Tuesday, July 24, 2007

While taking calls on his cell phone,
the ice cream truck man
calls to children with his song.


ozymandiaz said...

hope he don't run any over.

Constance Brewer said...

Two different kinds of communication, cool!

paisley said...

how gracefully you interjected the present into a fleeting memory of my past... very well done....

Tumblewords: said...

Ring tones. What a cool take on current times.

Tumblewords: said...
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Clare said...

I like all the "c's" in your poem, and also the old fashioned mixed with modern technology. Really cool poem!

Brian said...

Paris - yes, unforunately, he was driving.

Clare - I hadn't realized the use of c so much, maybe because the sounds are hard soft and "ch". good catch!